Prolotherapy for Pregnancy Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common challenges among pregnant women. In fact, approximately 3 – 4 out of 5 childbearing women agonize from the terrors of back pain.

Causes of Back Pains During Pregnancy

  • Joints at the back loosen. During pregnancy, the joints at the lower back loosen, which causes movement in joints. These changes can result in lower back discomforts and pain.
  • Cartilage and ligaments relax. In preparation for childbirth, the short bands of fibrous, tough connective tissues at the pelvic bones soften during pregnancy. It may start in the early stages of pregnancy and may continue at later stages. The sacroiliac joint is a very specific back pain generator. The ligaments that stabilize the sacroiliac joint are the posterior sacroiliac ligaments, iliolumbar lumbar ligaments and sacrotuberous ligaments.
  • Weight and postural changes. After the first trimester, the uterus expands, and the fetus grows heavy. The woman’s center of gravity also changes, gradually leading to postural abnormalities—commonly known as “lordosis.” Lordosis is the excessive inward curvature of the spine that happens as the woman compensates for the weight of the growing fetus inside the womb. This compensation and center of gravity changes result in more lower back pain, strain, and back discomforts.
  • Muscle separation. As the woman’s uterus expands, sheets of muscle running through the ribcage and pubic bone separates.

Treatment Options for Pregnancy Back Pains

Tolerable lower back pain is usually managed with proper ergonomics, strengthening exercises, and adjustments in habits, such as appropriate sleeping position or cautious lifting of objects. These lifestyle changes are carefully planned with a physician’s guidance and other medical professionals. Pain and discomfort may or may not be addressed, with these modalities, but non-invasive and non-pharmacological treatment options are always the priority.

In most cases, supportive treatment modalities are advised. These include the use of supportive garments, hot and cold compress, and other therapies. If the lower back pain and discomfort worsens, and all conservative or traditional treatments have proven unsuccessful, prolotherapy may be recommended.

Prolotherapy in Pregnancy

Prolotherapy is a combination of the words “proliferation” and “therapy,” it is a treatment approach that aims to trigger cell growth, promote healing and facilitate regeneration of tissues. It involves administration of an anesthetic and dextrose solution to make back pains during pregnancy much more bearable. It targets to strengthen the joints, cartilages, and bones that become weak as a result of many changes during childbearing.

Frequently Asked Questions about Prolotherapy

Can anyone get prolotherapy treatment?
No. A proper assessment should be done by a specialist prior to treatment. Candidates are screened properly.

How many sessions are required for prolotherapy?
Pregnant women may have many treatment sessions depending on the severity of back pains.

Are prolotherapy injections painful?
The injections may feel uncomfortable, but the local anesthetic might help decrease the pain.

Is prolotherapy safe?
In most cases, plorotherapy appears to be safe.

What are the risks associated with prolotherapy?
Some of the risks include allergic reaction, bleeding, infection, and pain on the injection site. Other risks, although rare, include injury to the muscles or nerves near the injection site.

Are follow-up treatments needed after injection?
As with other injection treatment procedures, follow up visits are essential for the healthcare provider to assess the effects of prolotherapy.

This article is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. Please discuss with a health care provider before deciding to undergo prolotherapy.

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